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Photo credit:  Rick Nickerson

35-word bio:

John Mortensen is a leader in the international revival of historical improvisation.  He is the author of Improvising Fugue and The Pianist’s Guide to Historic Improvisation. He teaches at The Curtis Institute of Music.

Long Bio:

John Mortensen is a leader in the international revival of historic improvisation.  Appearing frequently as concert artist and masterclass teacher at colleges and universities in America and Europe, he is noted for his ability to improvise entire concerts in historical styles, including complex compositions such as Baroque fugues.

He is the author of The Pianist’s Guide to Historic Improvisation (Oxford University Press, 2020), the world’s most widely-used book in the field of historic keyboard improvisation, now a course text at many leading conservatories. His newest book, Improvising Fugue: A Method for Keyboard Artists (Oxford University Press, 2023) became a #1 Best Seller in the Music Books category on Amazon three months before its publication date.

In 2017 he was selected as a Fulbright Specialist by the US Department of State to serve as an international artistic ambassador on behalf of the American people. In 2018 he toured Europe for three months, performing and teaching improvised music at conservatories across the continent.

In 2019 the State Department named him a Fulbright Global Scholar in Historical Improvisation, leading to performances and teaching at the national conservatories of Lithuania, Latvia, The United Kingdom, Denmark, and Canada.

In recent seasons his appearances included The Juilliard School of Music, The Shepherd School of Music (Rice University), The Cleveland Institute of Music, The Curtis Institute of Music, Accademia Filarmonica Romana, and Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.

He is the creator of Improv Planet, an online school of improvisation, where his students include concert artists and conservatory faculty from across the world.

Mortensen teaches historical improvisation at The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, and serves as professor of piano at Cedarville University in Ohio.

Visit his website at www.johnmortensen.com and Improv Planet at www.improvplanet.johnmortensen.com