

“Improvising Fugue: A Method for Keyboard Artists.” Oxford University Press, 2023.

“The Pianist’s Guide to Historic Improvisation.” Oxford University Press, 2020.



Short radio feature on Cincinnati’s WGUC.

The Guardian/Observer interview. We discuss my book, the current state of historic improvisation, and music pedagogy in UK and USA.

Note Doctors Podcast.  A show about music theory pedagogy. 


Youtube channel:  Cedarvillemusic.  This is where all the publicly available video lives.  Hundreds of videos on many musical subjects.

Improv Planet.  The world’s largest collection of video tutorials in historic improv.  Also a cool, supportive community of hundreds of improv learners.


“Going Off Script: Modern Pianists Turn to Early Music to Learn Improvisation.” Early Music America Magazine, November 2021.

“Teaching Piano Students with Four Types of Disabilities.” Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers’ Association, April 2020

“Signs of Life:  A Survey of the Historic Improvisation Revival.”  Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers’ Association, December 2019

“State of the Art:  The Origins, Decline, and Revival of Classical Keyboard Improvisation.”  Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers’ Association, December 2018

“Creating Community in the Studio for College Music Majors.”
American Music Teacher June/July 2016

“Remediating Performance Aversion in Piano Students: From Narratives of Failure to Narratives of Progress.” Piano Pedagogy Forum Vol. 17/1, January 2016

Book Review:  Various Authors and Arrangers, “All Jazzed Up” (Pedagogy Series).  American Music Teacher August/September 2016

Book Review: Burgmüller, J.F.F., “25 Progressive Studies, Opus 100.” Edited by Margaret Otwell. American Music Teacher September/October 2015

Book Review: Hodson, Robert, “Interaction, Improvisation, and Interplay in Jazz” by Robert Hodson and “Keith Jarrett’s The Köln Concert” by Peter Elsdon.    College Music Symposium Vol 55, April 2015

Book Review: Sinn, D. R., “Beyond the Notes: A Pianist’s Guide to Musical Interpretation.” College Music Symposium May 2013

Audio Recording: Warkentin, Larry. “Sonata No. 2.”
College Music Symposium Audio Performance Archive, Vol 54, January 2015

Audio Recording: Bach, J.S., (arr. Ferruccio Busoni). “Chaconne in D Minor.”
College Music Symposium Audio Performance Archive, Vol 54, August 2014

“The Power of Bauer:  A Biography of British Pianist Harold Bauer.” (Reprint) Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers’ Association Summer 2018

“Dinner with DePachmann:  Discovery of an Historic Manuscript.” Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers’ Association Summer 2018

“Memories of Harold Bauer as a Teacher.” (Reprint) Piano Journal of the European Piano Teachers’ Association Summer 2018

“The Power of Bauer.” International Piano September/October 2005: 28-34.

“Memories of Harold Bauer as a Teacher.” International Piano September/October 2005: 34.

“Out of Adversity.” International Piano January/February 2004: 50-57