“Improvising Fugue: A Method for Keyboard Artists.” Oxford University Press, 2023.
“The Pianist’s Guide to Historic Improvisation.” Oxford University Press, 2020.
Short radio feature on Cincinnati’s WGUC.
The Guardian/Observer interview. We discuss my book, the current state of historic improvisation, and music pedagogy in UK and USA.
Note Doctors Podcast. A show about music theory pedagogy.
Youtube channel: Cedarvillemusic. This is where all the publicly available video lives. Hundreds of videos on many musical subjects.
Improv Planet. The world’s largest collection of video tutorials in historic improv. Also a cool, supportive community of hundreds of improv learners.
“Going Off Script: Modern Pianists Turn to Early Music to Learn Improvisation.” Early Music America Magazine, November 2021.
“Creating Community in the Studio for College Music Majors.”
American Music Teacher June/July 2016
Book Review: Various Authors and Arrangers, “All Jazzed Up” (Pedagogy Series). American Music Teacher August/September 2016
Book Review: Burgmüller, J.F.F., “25 Progressive Studies, Opus 100.” Edited by Margaret Otwell. American Music Teacher September/October 2015
Book Review: Hodson, Robert, “Interaction, Improvisation, and Interplay in Jazz” by Robert Hodson and “Keith Jarrett’s The Köln Concert” by Peter Elsdon. College Music Symposium Vol 55, April 2015
Audio Recording: Warkentin, Larry. “Sonata No. 2.”
College Music Symposium Audio Performance Archive, Vol 54, January 2015
Audio Recording: Bach, J.S., (arr. Ferruccio Busoni). “Chaconne in D Minor.”
College Music Symposium Audio Performance Archive, Vol 54, August 2014
“The Power of Bauer.” International Piano September/October 2005: 28-34.
“Memories of Harold Bauer as a Teacher.” International Piano September/October 2005: 34.
“Out of Adversity.” International Piano January/February 2004: 50-57